Long time, no blogging. I know. But hopefully that will change. My laptop works when it wants to... and it's a pain in the ass trying to blog from my phone. Also, the last month and a half of school semesters are absolutely ridiculous... instructors try and cram everything in at the very end. Meh.
A lot of things have happened in my world since the last time I've blogged.
I got a new phone... FINALLY!!! I am officially out of the Stone Age! I can finally use data and stuff... yes, I was in the Stone Age.
That RIDICULOUS essay that was handed to us... the one that we were pretty much given two days to complete... yeah, that one. Well, I didn't get an F. I should've gotten an F. What is wrong with that instructor? 95%... and I'm still wondering HOW?! That paper was absolute rubbish... and it didn't even meet the proper page requirement. He wanted 5 full pages, and I gave him a little over 4 1/2... and the sources were shitty. I guess I'm just good like that? Ha!
The final for that class wasn't as bad as we had anticipated. I haven't checked my final grade yet... and I don't think I'm going to. I don't really care, to be honest.
My mind wasn't even on the frickin' final. My mind was somewhere else. My brain was pretty much in mush mode. Those eyes... and that smile. 30 seconds of sparks and electricity. Of course, it felt like time was standing still... it felt like it lasted for 5 minutes... lol. But yeah, it was probably only about 30 seconds. And then it was over. That was it. I guess I'm just supposed to forget about everything... and forget that homeboy even exists.
I ended up passing my math class with an A++. 614/600. I was stunned. Hell, I'm still stunned. That last test? 100%. Again. Three 100% scores in a row. Mhm, stunned.
So yeah, I've been on Summer break since May 14th... and I wanna go back. Yeah, I know. I actually wanted to go back on the 15th... ha. I would've been fine with a three week break, maybe a month... 3 months is too long. I'm not going to remember a damn thing when I go back. Also, things get to be quite boring. The only bright side: I get a bit more sleep.
Buuuuut I'm thankful for a break... and we went on a well-deserved vacation... even if it was only for 3 days. My mother's mother invited us to visit them in Morro Bay. That was good, I needed a distraction... to distract me from my other distraction. Ha! It kinda made it worse but I quickly got over it. Kinda. But it's all good.
Anyway, my mother's mother and her man have a trailer thing there. They go there whenever they need a break (or whenever they have time off from work). They were able to rent the little studio apartment thing in their complex for us to stay in. The place was cute, it really was. I wouldn't mind living there... haha! "Ferris Bueller" and his pals were waiting for us... I knew that had to be a good sign.
Morro Bay was cold and windy. Of course it was... it was the last week in May. It was cold and windy at every beach we went to.
The wind down at the Morro Bay beach was absolutely ridiculous. It almost knocked us over. It was so windy that it almost made me deaf. I'm not even kidding. If we would've stayed for maybe 10-15 minutes longer, my ears would've popped. My ears ached for awhile after we left.
We drove around some more... and we noticed a little playground place with a wooden pirate ship. A PIRATE SHIP. We had to stop. I had to play. I repeat... A PIRATE SHIP.
I also made some friends...
Yes, I'm silly... and I don't care.
After we thawed out for a few hours... we all went to dinner. We went for pizza... now I remember why we haven't had Round Table in a while... they use waaaaay too much sauce. Just... ew. It was a nice, civil, dinner. I don't think we've ever had a nice, civil, anything with my mother's mother and any of her previous men? Okay, I know we haven't. Her boys always found some way to ruin everything. So, this makes 2 civil dinners with us and them. (The first was last "Thanksgiving".) This is still a new concept. I'm not sure what to make of this... but it's about damn time.
After dinner we went back to that studio apartment thing... watched TV, listened to the iPod... played some SongPop. I should probably mention that I did not watch "Mr. Belvedere" once while were on "vacation"... it was weird.
The next day we went to San Luis Obispo to check out a record store called Boo Boo Records. Ummmm yeah... I flippin' LOVE that place. LOVE! They have vinyl for days... and good vinyl at that. Wasn't really impressed with their CD selection... but everything else in that store made up for it. Ramones bobbleheads, Jim Morrison bobbleheads, posters/shirts galore, Beatles toys/toy buses, music-related mugs/lunchboxes/bags/post cards, etc. Books... they had a Joan Jett book. Omg. Just... I love.
I also wanted to check out Kwirkworld. I wanted to see if that store was still "quirky"... or if it had to turned into a pile of massive lameness like the one here in Fresno did. It's about half and half. I don't like the new direction in which that store is headed... they need to change the name. It isn't "Kwirkworld" when the inside looks like a Macy's-inspired clothing store. Come on, now.
Oh, oh... Anthony randomly bought us all ice cream. Yeah, I know... no big deal. Buuuut it's kind of a big deal. My mother's mother has NEVER dated (or married) a guy like this. For some reason, she's always craved assholes... this guy is no asshole; he thinks about other people and not just himself. I'm still trying to take this all in...
After my moments of fun... we headed to a few beaches again. Beaches are my mother's moments of fun. Avila beach... was packed with people. I guess people figured that Pismo would be packed since it was the weekend before Memorial Day (they figured wrong, Pismo was practically a ghost beach. Ha!) I did not go and walk the pier... nor did my Brother. We value our lives... lol. We sat on the beach while the rest of our party walked that crap... I shudder even thinking about this. One of the food places there kept blasting Social Distortion... and I had no problem with that. They switched it to a few country songs but quickly went back to Social D. Good stuff.

I am not impressed with Pismo or Pismo Beach. I'm probably in the minority... but I think it's overrated. After we were done with the beaches, we went to dinner. Hometown Buffet, this time... that is such a dangerous place. My plates always look so stupid... "normal" food on one plate and "kiddie" food on the other (pizza and fries)... haha! NO SHAME! And their ice cream is ridiculously good. Again, I say, dangerous.
We had fun in our living quarters on that second night. "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" was on... Tapatio Doritos, chocolate brownies... adult beverages. I didn't go overboard with the beverages, I never do. I'm a lightweight. But someone sure had fun... and I have the pictures to prooove it... hahaha! It was hilarious and I loved it. Good times.
We left on Sunday afternoon... but before we left, we went to the Waterfront in Morro Bay where all the shops and food places are at. It was windy but it wasn't too cold... thank gawd. We were getting tired of the cold.
Scorpions, Bathory, and Queen... we're a musically diverse family.
So yeah, it was a good mini vacation. I think we all needed it. It went by super quick, though. Once we got there, it was already time to leave! We had fun. There was no drama, no screaming, no f*ckery... it was nice... and normal. We've never had a normal trip with my mother's mother and any of her men before. Again, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. I repeat: IT'S ABOUT TIME.
The drive back to Fresno was less painful than the drive up there. The road we took to get there... yeah, we're never taking that route again. Talk about a trip! A bad, bad, trip. haha! My soundtrack for the drive back was pretty much the same one as the drive to: Zeppelin, Gin Blossoms, Hanson, The Doors... and my country music playlist. I was just in a weird mood. Weird enough to not want to stop in Cholame on the way home. We've stopped there once before and took pictures of the James Dean memorial thing... but I hate that place. It doesn't have a good vibe. It makes me sick, to be honest. "No, just keep going..." I didn't want to stop. I didn't need that distraction...
The Sharks forced a game 7 that night. I had hope. Then I remembered that game 7 was an away game for them... they had yet to win a game at the Staples Center... the Kings couldn't win at our barn, either. But it just so happened that the Kings had home ice advantage, so the Sharks were f*cked. The Sharks are now golfing... or doing whatever, but I can tell you one thing: they're not playing hockey in round 3 of the playoffs. The Kings beat the Sharks and advanced to round 3. Meh. Can't say I'm surprised... but it still crushed me. I would've been even more crushed (and even more pissed) but I had "Mr. Belvedere" going... that eased the pain.
What else is going on in my world? Hmmm... let me think. iTunes hates me but what else is new?
Oh, and I miss those eyes... and that smile. Actually, I miss that face.
Yeah, yeah... hush.