Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Soooo... ummmm...


(The lovely Zac Hanson)

*Sings* "It's about tiiiiiiiiime...."

I will now have to try and rock the color yellow. Yellow...

I haven't blogged in a while. It wasn't for the lack of wanting to... my laptop just hated me. I think we are now on good terms again! 

I do believe my last official blog post was about going back to Morro Bay? (Not the middle finger one... lol)

Welllll, I've been to Morro Bay again since then. Yeah, my Mother loves it there... and yeah, I kinda do, too. This last trip was probably my favorite of the 3, so far. Better weather. Better routine. It wasn't all about the beach this time. Betterrrrr. haha! We went to the beach ONCE this trip... aaaand I didn't stay in the car this time. I'm tellin' ya, better weather. Not 'omg I want to take off all of my clothes and get sunburned' weather... but 'Omg I actually want to hang out on the beach' weather. Windy, but not enough to make a person's ears bleed... and warm enough to pull up your hoodie sleeves to your elbows. I helped my Mom look for sea shells and sand dollars this time around. It was actually pretty fun. We collected a lot... and I mean, A LOT!

Bad camera angle, because that thing was filled damn near to the top! While we were walking the beach looking at the water, the waves, and for shells/sand dollars, I had Anthem blasting (Hanson's new album) from my phone. That made it even more fun!!!! (Which I STILL have to write a review for that over on my other blog, btw.) That is such an empowering album. Which brings me to my next two pictures.
 I willingly went down to the dock. Yes, willingly.

My Mother always wants to go down there. I'm always like...

However, as soon as we got out of the car, I told her that I suddenly felt empowered. I walked straight down to the dock. I unwillingly walked down there on our previous trip and it freaked the living f*ck out of me. I couldn't quit shaking. Yeah, I have this fear of drowning... lol. This time, I was like, "f*ck it, I'm just going to do it." Boom. I was still a little cautious, but it was whatever. I mean, I was willing to take a picture. Let's get fired up! I'll stop with the Hanson references, I swear. Another boost in the butt also could have been the fact that that was our last night there. Who knows? But it was awesome. We watched yet another beautiful sunset... you won't find that kind of a setting where I live. That kind of stuff makes you NOT want to leave.
Mom wanted to back down to the dock once the sun went down... I was still feeling frisky (haha!), no, I'm still going to use the word empowered and willingly walked back down. She wanted to go further out by the water. Why not? We took some great pictures (after taking about 5,000 re-takes, we were down there for about 10 minutes... seemed longer, though lol)

We were ALMOST at the edge of the dock. Seriously.
I think Rudolf Schenker would say that I "rocked my life"... haha!

And then there's this. Yeah, I'm pretty much the biggest dork you will ever meet. No shame.

Oh, and the "different routine" I mentioned earlier... we walked up and down Main Street and searched all of the thrift stores, antique stores, book stores, etc. 
 *NSYNC marionette dolls were inside an antique store. AN ANTIQUE STORE. What?! Justin's doll was $5 higher than the rest. 
 Same antique store. $12.50 a piece for these bad boys. I did not want to part with them. 
A different store. And yes, the big Troll on the right is wearing lingerie. Red and black lace.

Hmmm... what else? Oh, "Farm Kings" is back from a brief-season hiatus. Seriously, it came back for a 2nd season, for like 3 episodes... only to disappear again for nearly 5 or so weeks. That killed. Joe King also kills. He's making it so hard to watch that show. He's Mr. Bossman... I get it... but damn. 

I saw Hanson!!!! In Fresno!!! In a rather 'intimate setting'. It was amazing. Truly amazing. 

I love my IOMF sisters... and brother. haha! (I'm not elaborating, it's safer that way.)

I'm still playing Songpop... not as much as I used to, but I'm still playing. However, I think my newest app obsession is 4 Pics 1 Song.

I'm probably forgetting a lot of stuff, but that's okay... lol. 

OH! The new Pearl Jam song is AMAZING... and the new AFI song "I Hope You Suffer" is equally amazing. I can't wait for both of their new albums!!!!

One final thought: The next time I cross paths with a cute guy, I'm asking to see his I.D.



    Anyway, I said LMFAO at that picture.

    I'm glad you're doing well and have had good times.

    I've never been to big on AFI but that "I Hope You Suffer" song is pretty fucking bad ass. I think I need to get up on their stuff? I NEED PEARL JAM NOW THO. I want to see them but poor. :(

    Lmfao @ seeing some ID. For real though.

  2. Yeah, that is absolutely hilarious!!!

    Thank you, sister from another mister :)

    ISN'T IT THOUGH?!?! Omg. That song is absolute perfection. You DEF need to get up on their stuff... pronto!!

    DUDE!!! Tickets def aren't cheap... and only the shitty seats are left :(

    20 friggin' years old... gtfo with that shit... lol
