This month is definitely rocktober! (It's also Zactober *Hanson fans unite!*)
But yeah... friggin' ROCKTOBER!!!!
It's only 12 days in, but this month has totally rocked my socks. It's kinda making me forget about Shittember. Ha.
Hockey season is in full swing! My Sharks are undefeated! 5-0-0. Tomas Hertl is a friggin' beast. Seriously. The kid is a beast. A few nights ago, the Sharks beat the Rangers 9-2... 4 out of those 9 goals were scored by Hertl. Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6. Holy shiz balls. The Sharks need to keep this up... and win the cup. It's time, boys. It's time. Bring that sucker hoooooome!!!!!!!
The month of October means that it's Fair time, here in Fresno. My family (sans my brother) and I went to the Big Fresno Fair on October 4th, to see Tesla play at the Paul Paul Theater. Tesla absolutely ruled (totally badass!) We explored a bit of the fair prior to the show (and a bit after the show)... we played on the huge pirate ship!!! Yes, I love pirate ships. And pirates. Arrrrrrrggggg.
No shame.
We also stumbled upon this. The best booth at the fair, in my opinion.
Well, it was a "Reggae Shop"... but 98% of it was Bob Marley stuff. Hell yes. ♥
I went back after the concert and got a shirt. It was so hard to pick just one.
After Tesla, we walked around a bit more. We found a dinosaur exhibit. Another hell yes!
I even touched a snake. Yeah.
Well, it was a "Reggae Shop"... but 98% of it was Bob Marley stuff. Hell yes. ♥
I went back after the concert and got a shirt. It was so hard to pick just one.
After Tesla, we walked around a bit more. We found a dinosaur exhibit. Another hell yes!
I even touched a snake. Yeah.

More epicness. My Mother and I got to work the Bon Jovi concert! They put us on the floor. Facing the stage. Can I get a MASSIVE hell yes?!?!?! Yeah, I friggin' love my job. The sporting events... maybe not so much. But the concerts. Even if we never get the floor again... lol. It was awesome. Beyond awesome.
The new Pearl Jam album, "Lightning Bolt" comes out on Tuesday (October 15th). I can't wait for that. I seriously cannot wait any longer. I'm about to explode. The new AFI album drops soon, too. I can't wait for that, either.
Back to Pearl Jam. Pearl Jam Twenty premiered on VH1 Classic and Palladia tonight. I own it on DVD, but I still set the DVR. I'm actually watching it right now. I seriously cry every time I watch this. Not because it's sad... it isn't sad. I just love Pearl Jam. I honestly cannot find the words to express how much I love that band.