Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Holy blog views, Batman!

I love Batman. 
But that's not the main focus of this blog post.

The main focus of this blog post, is the number of page view this blog has gotten so far. As well as my other blog (the music one). Yesterday, this blog hit 2,000 page views. Now, I know this probably isn't a lot... but it's a lot to me. I mean, this blog isn't even a year old yet. I've only done 54 blog entries (yes, I am a lazy blogger... I'm going to try and change that. I promise.) this post being blog entry #55... and between those 54 posts, I've gotten 2,044 views. I've gotten 44 more views since last night around 10:30pm, when I posted my last entry. It's insane. And very, very, cool.

When I started blogging, I didn't think anyone would actually read what I had to say. Maybe a few friends and a few family members... because, well, they're my friends and family members. Clearly, a lot of other people have been reading this thing, and I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read my words. My random, babbling, fan-girling self thanks you! ♥ 
I promise to give you more honest, random, babbling, fangirl -inspired blog entries. 

Nowwww to my music blog. That blog is... uhhh... was (?) supposed to be my main blog. I started that one first and that one has more entries posted. 75 posts. Yeah, I am a TOTAL lazy blogger when it comes to that one. Sheesh. I promise to change that, too. I promise. Anyway, that blog has 6,244 views... so far.
I never thought in a million years that the music blog would ever take off. I don't know why... I'm just like that. This blog gives me high anxiety sometimes. It really does. 
Anyway, back in August, I did an entry for a local tribute band, who covers a certain classic rock band. I thought about posting the link on their fb page... but yeah, I didn't do it. Welll... someone either in their camp or in the group stumbled across my blog entry and posted the link to their fb page last night... one member even LEFT a comment on my blog... as well as an anonymous comment. A long comment, which I fully enjoyed, btw. Since that happened, I've gotten 58 more views for that particular entry... and the views just keep coming. It's crazy. It really is. I think the total for that entry is damn near 80 in total? Seeing my blog posted somewhere other than my own fb page or Twitter page is crazy. It's super rad... but crazy. I think I need to have more faith in my writing. Yeah, I need to change that, too. October is the month for change, is it not? Change of season... changing of leaf colors... change of weather? Yeah, ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Bowie. 

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