Thursday, February 28, 2013

My kind of crazy...

Today was a bit crazy... but it was my kind of crazy!

World Lit... yeah, I am so over that class. I wish it would end tomorrow. There was almost a full class today, and it almost lasted the entire hour and fifteen minutes. That's a first. I was overjoyed... ha. Actually, I quit about midway through the 'lecture'... if you want to call it that? Yeah, Mr. Instructor compared something to Charlie Sheen... and of course idiot boy had to chime in and say something. Idiot boy wishes he could have Charlie Sheen's life. Why? "All of the partying! He's like the master of partying! And the sex... omg! The women. And allll of that cocaine!" I don't have time for that sh*t. I don't. And since today is my Friday (I get two Fridays, ha!) I said "frick it!" and quit. I grabbed my iPod and put on some Zeppelin. Mhm. I jammed to Led Zeppelin for the last half of class. The perks of sitting in the back corner!

It was hot today. Like, 70+ degrees hot. Without a breeze. It was wonderful. We'd probably have nice weather more often, if it weren't for the random breezes that come with it... hopefully this will stay around for a while. 

I spent most of my day in the campus library, as I do for most of my Tuesdays/Thursdays. Lately, I've been sitting on the staircase... I don't like crowded rooms. I guess I'm just weird like that. I decided to take a little walk and get some bottled water... in the process, I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a while. Hey, in my defense, he wasn't watching where he was walking, either. I had a good reason, I looked down at my iPod for a brief couple of seconds (I was mesmerized by Bono). But I am not complaining. Ha! I haven't fully seen this person in almost two months. We were both stunned as f*ck. A good stunned on both parts, I'm thinkin'. Omg... it was a mess. A cute mess. No words were spoken. Nope. Just eye contact and a lot of smiling. Yeah, apparently, I can't speak... but that's okay, because apparently, he can't speak either. Well, we can, just not to each other; it's only ever been small talk (once or twice). And noooo, I do not "have it bad", I just have it... I'm not entirely sure what "it" is, though? I guess I'm 'in like'... or something. 

So yeah, I was mesmerized by Bono/U2. U2 is absolute perfection.
This is what had my full attention, and this was the soundtrack to that random encounter that I just mentioned. (I was watching a live performance, though.)

Then math happened. Can that end tomorrow, too? That class seriously needs to end. The current chapter that we're on is absolutely ridiculous. Word problems? No thank you. Chapter 4 is apparently going to be worse? Lovely. We had a semi-short class. We had a teacher evaluation thing, so we only had half a lecture. The lady doing the evaluation was the lady who wrote our math book (who's also a teacher at the college). While watching our instructor instruct, she looked confused as all hell. Join the club, lady... this chapter is whack, I'm tellin' ya. Whack. And our instructor isn't making it any easier.

*News flash* The Marq Torien/Nathan Parsons look-alike is getting hotter. The guy with the hair wore a Batman shirt today... ha! 1) I love Batman. 2) Another reminder of that U2 song... double ha!

Anyway, I came straight home and watched "WKRP In Cincinnati". Yep, I've found another station that shows that wonderful program. A station on Dish! It just needs to show "The Monkees" and "The Partridge Family". That'll take away the pain from no longer having 'MeTV'... probably the only thing I miss about Comcast. Oh, and this station ALSO shows "Mr. Belvedere". A childhood favorite of mine!! I made sure to DVR all of this... heck to the yes! After "WKRP" I changed it to "ALF"... my beloved ALF. "The Facts of Life" came on after that, "The Hub" had some kind of special event night. I accidentally changed the channel and found "The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"... mhm, yep! It was morphin' time!!! (I stayed with "The Facts of Life" and DVRd MMPR.) All week NickToons has been playing the different variations of the Power Rangers franchise... tonight just happened to be the night to actually watch. 
Tonight was my childhood night... haha!

When I was a kid, I used to have it bad for "Jason", the red ranger. What in the f*ck was I thinking? 7 year-old Liz, what were you thinking? Seriously?! hahaha!! I'm questioning that previous love... I really, am. Btw, nice anklet, "Jason"... it matches your earring(s). Oh, Liz... haha! But it really is funny watching all of these shows now. You pick up on things you miss when you're a child. And it's funny watching from an adult's perspective.

Today would've been perfect... but the Sharks failed me, once again. They lost... in a shootout. They get a point, but still. They started off the season perfectly... 8 straight wins... and it's been downhill from there. I believe they're at 9-6-4 now? Meh.

Buuuut that's not gonna ruin my night. No, sir. I had a hot date with Keith Urban (the ONLY reason I'm watching "American Idol" this season). "Mr. Adorable Bow Tie" advanced to the next round!! I had lasagna for dinner (two days early!)... aaaaand now I'm watching "Queen Rock Montreal" !!! 



  1. Tommy was my Power Ranger. These damn youngins these days...they don't know NOTHING about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. :0/ That's all I have to contribute. lol

  2. And what a mighty fine contribution!! Tommy was the shizz too <3 He kinda scares me now, though... hmmmm.
