Monday, December 3, 2012

Prisms, Cylinders, and Spiders...

I swear that's what the math board said this morning. I swear. What did it really say? "Prisms, Cylinders, and Spheres." Ha! My head was clearly in the game. Clearly. Where was my mind? I'm not sure you'd want to know... but here it goes.

I started off my day with some BBMak, The Beatles, and "Dogfight" (I watched it on my iPod before American Lit started). Apparently, that's the key to having a good day. Make a note of that. The more you know!

We discussed Poe in class... we went over "The Tell-Tale Heart" and some background info about Mr. Poe himself. It was an interesting discussion, for the most part. Until "Bettman" decided he wanted to join in. He's one of the reasons why I don't talk in class. The other reason? I just don't want to. Ha! Anyway, like I said, for the most part, the discussion was good. I enjoyed hearing other people's take on Poe and Poe's work. "Bettman" kinda ruined the fun. Okay, he totally ruined the fun. He is a killer of all things fun. Mhm. He totally rained on the parade. The stuff that runs through his mind and comes out of his mouth is absolutely disturbing. Terrifying. I really think he needs some professional help. I'm not being a bitch, either. There is something seriously wrong with that guy. It takes a lot to creep me out. A lot. And this dude... well, he f*cking creeps me out. A lot. To the point where I don't even want to be in the same room with him. Yeah. Today was the final straw. He gave an example of something that was absolutely atrocious... just something absolutely truly morbid, that no NORMAL person would even think of thinking. What he said turned some heads, caused some gasps, and created looks of shock/horror. I get it, we were talking about Poe... and Poe wasn't exactly normal. I get it. But not even Poe would think about something like that. I'm pretty sure of it.
I'm not going to repeat what he said, because that statement is never, and I repeat never going to escape my lips. Ever. But yeah, f*ck that guy. And to make matters worse... much worse, apparently my friend, I mean, "cousin" (heehee!) and I are going to have him in another class next semester. Lovely. Absolutely lovely. But yeah, other than that, good class today. Great class... especially after I walked out of the classroom door. Heeeheee! ;) I have never seen a more bigger smile or a pair of eyes light up that much. It was freaking cute. Also, I love corduroys.

So yeah, when I got to math, my mind was gone. Hence the "prisms, cylinders, and spiders" thing. Haha! I'm glad our test wasn't today, because I probably would have failed it. 

We finally went Christmas tree hunting today, because it finally quit raining. Finally. But I'm hearing that it's supposed to rain again, soon? Meh. Hopefully it doesn't. We have a frickin' fabulous tree. My Mother instantly fell head over heels for the tree... 

That's all I've got. I shall now focus my FULL attention to "High Fidelity"

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