... make me smile. That makes me smile a big smile. Great way to start off the week; happy Monday! hee hee!
Actually, waking up to "Empire Records" was a fantastic way to start off the day/week! I am absolutely obsessed with that movie... but that is a whole 'nother blog post. Actually, that will be a future blog post, I'm 100% sure of it! Encore Love plays that movie a lot... I have watched it twice since about 9:30pm last night. It will be on again in about 40 minutes... buuuuut I just remembered that I have a hot date with something that is on, instead: "INXS: Live Baby Live". Yeah, INXS wins. I will probably weep like a little bitch, but I am still watching it anyway. It always makes me tear up, but I will probably weep twice as much, seeing how it is pretty close to November 22nd. I absolutely hate that day. I dread that day. Every year. And it just so happens that Thanksgiving "turkey day" falls on the 22nd this year. Please make this week end already. Please? For those of you who don't know, Michael Hutchence (original lead singer for INXS) died on that day, back in 1997. I just absolutely can't with that day (or that week). I can't. I do a lot of Michael Hutchence/INXS celebrating on that day (even though it's hella sad). He died during the A.M. in Australia on the 22nd, which was still the 21st in America, so it's always a two day ordeal. I'll probably blog about all of this... assuming I survive "turkey day"... we will be among a bunch of idiots...
My instructor "picked on" me again this morning... I had to read the last stanza of a poem and tell the class my interpretation of it/what it meant to me. Out of the nine stanzas, I think he gave me the easiest one. I like when that happens! I don't remember who said it, but a dude in class said "It's like an ashes to ashes... dust to dust sort of thing"... from then on, I had David Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes" stuck in my head. David Bowie is a beast.
hehehehe cute boys in Beatles shirts :D
:D :D :D