Monday, November 26, 2012

There's never a dull moment...

... never. What might seem like the dullest moments of my life aren't even dull. If anything, they're comical. Absolutely comical. Laugh it off... it's all you can do.

I started off my morning by watching a movie! I watched "Running on Empty" on my iPod, as I waited for my American Lit class to start. I didn't finish it, though. I have about 25 minutes or so left; I might finish it before "The Voice" comes on later... or maybe after.

Today we FINALLY started watching "The Raven"... POE!!!! CUSACK!!!! ♥ Apparently, we'll be reading some of Poe's works after we watch the movie... and have a class discussion about it. Lovely. I love those (not really). But it's Poe... so I'll most likely have something interesting to contribute to the discussion. Ha! I was giddy before the movie even started. Once he pressed the play button, it was over. I'm an idiot... but no shame. I just really, really, really, really love John Cusack. I do. And him playing Edgar Allan Poe? Done. So done. I know I had a stupid, love-struck smile on my face the entire time. Except for the more grosser scenes... those scenes were watched by my "what the fuck?!" face. A few people looked away from the screen and down at their phones... I almost followed suit... but I was too engrossed to look away. I am such a freaking fangirl... and it's gross. Absolutely disgusting. Haha! I had to sit in my chair for like 2 minutes after he stopped the film (class ended)... my heart was pounding. Heavily. Thump, thump, thump... John Cusack, thump. Ha! Again, no shame! So yeah, this is going to be a good week for English class. I just can't believe the semester is almost over... where did the time go?! This semester went by hella fast.

Also, chivalry is not dead. A dude held not one, but two doors open for me this morning. Unfortunately, I think I'm caught in the middle of a hipster love flirtation triangle... haha! So not my fault. Well, it's not entirely my fault. Don't even ask... I'm not explaining this one. My life should seriously be a sitcom.

Those little JCPenney holiday buttons are like crack (I've never tried crack, btw). And they're free; no purchase necessary. Free crack. Lovely. I went with Mom today to get her some more buttons... well, a lady gave me a handful... and I just couldn't stop. I needed more. They are so damn cute. It wasn't until we came to the lady who let us pick out our own 2 buttons. Yeah, I was hooked. Highly amusing. I have a little collection for myself now... haha! It's the little things...
Also, I've already won two $10 gift certificates through the code redeeming process! Rock & roll.

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